September 9, 2024
4 min
Diego García

MINEO 2024.09: Quick Assistant, Widget Form++ and better pipelines

Major upgrades to the assistant, enhanced widget functionality, improved API for pipeline management, and essential bug fixes for a smoother, more efficient user experience.

We’re back from the summer with the exciting new release of MINEO 2024.09!

MINEO Assistant: Quick Suggestions 🤔

MINEO Assistant has been enhanced to support Quick Suggestions for payment plans, offering real-time recommendations and providing interactive support while writing code.

Let MINEO Assistant guide you!

Widget Form Enhancements 📄

The form widget has received significant updates:

  • Cascading selectors support: Selectors within a block can now depend on others, allowing you to modify linked variables or directly set field values within the selector.
  • Improved preview: When opening a new notebook, selectors are now displayed with their defined structure, improving the initial appearance.
  • Dynamic URL updates: The notebook URL updates as selector values change, allowing you to share a URL that brings you back to exactly where you left off.
  • Enhanced styles: Default widget styles have been improved, and when creating a new widget, an output variable is now suggested automatically.
  • Support for date and time selectors.

Improved Public API for Pipeline Management 🏗️

The public API for pipeline management now allows you to check the individual status of each pipeline, making monitoring easier. You can find the new changes in the MINEO Documentation.

Other Notable Improvements 🌟

  • Support for multiple file uploads: You can now upload several files simultaneously.
  • Avatar selection: A new gallery of avatars and icons has been added to simplify avatar selection for projects or users.
  • Adjustments to the Python editor size.
  • Direct access to MINEO API snippets via the "+" button.
  • Improvements to widget placeholders.
  • Widget Chart: New support for tooltip configuration, zooming options, and axis label rotation.

Bug Fixes 🔧

  • Widget Form: Multiple bugs have been resolved, such as the inability to submit without changing default values, issues with datetime variables, and old values being retained when using an empty multi-selector.
  • Widget Table: Fixed issues with editing None cells and downloading selected columns from alternative dataframes. Hidden column presets have also been corrected.
  • Notebook corruption handling: Significant improvements in recovering corrupt notebooks.
  • Interface fixes: Resolved a bug that affected the topbar and documentation background color, and fixed an issue where the secondary menu in the code editor appeared in the wrong position.

Happy coding!

Further reading

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